We have all seen them. Yet they are invisible.
Just a few miles beyond the abundance of the Las Vegas Strip – on roads, under the overpasses, gathered in a deserted lot – they exist. But what does it mean to exist if you cannot be seen?
In Africa, the Zula tribe greets one another with the words, “Sawa Bona.” Which translates to, “I see you.” Even better, the standard response is “Sokhona” meaning, “Because you see me, then I am here.” An incredible affirmation of the power we have to validate each other by acknowledging existence and instilling value. The opposite of this is devastating. To ignore the most in need undermines the entire foundation of a community. The Las Vegas homeless population remains unseen. A population that continues to increase in numbers since the onset of COVID-19 and is more alone than ever before. They face pandemics beyond the ones reported in the media. In addition to COVID-19 they deal with soaring tuberculosis rates and grossly underreported HIV infections. Even if they are aware they need medical help, where do they turn to?
And it is with that urgency, and little fanfare, that The Neighborhood Clinic opens its doors. As a 501c(3) nonprofit, The Neighborhood Clinic has a mission to provide compassionate healthcare to ALL regardless of status. We intend to see the unseen.
The reality of healthcare in Southern Nevada today includes a massive deficit of providers and long waits for those who have means and access. Those without means or mobility or employment end up having no access at all. And too often, the business of medicine trumps the necessity of medicine.
Our capabilities have never been greater; Our ability to deploy never more challenging. But there is a growing swell of people who know the community can, and must, do better. They recognize that healthcare, true population healthcare, not only helps those who are underserved but also helps prevent the spread and growth of disease and viruses beyond.
Through a partnership with The Las Vegas Rescue Mission, The Neighborhood Clinic has completely renovated a standalone building on its campus in Downtown Las Vegas. With three exam rooms, a CLIA-accredited laboratory, and an experienced medical staff on-site, The Neighborhood Clinic will begin seeing patients in early November. Helping bring care to the very core of where it is needed most.
A second location is already under construction for The Neighborhood Clinic. And we will not even be scratching the surface of the need, but we do hope to inspire others in the field to follow suit as we move forward. As a community, we must look. And we must improve.
The term the Zulu use to say farewell might be the most important of all: “Ubuntu.” A simple one that profoundly means, “I am what I am because of who we all are.”
The Neighborhood Clinic exists to bring those values to all of us. Las Vegas. Sawa Bona.
Dr. Dan Briggs
President & CEO
The Neighborhood Clinic